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[외신이 본 국제정세] 미국, 5년 만에 처음으로 국채 판매 축소 발판 마련...경제 원조 자금 조달 필요성 완화

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 5.

#미국 #5년 #국채 #판매축소 #세계경제 #국제정세 #디스클로저 #KRX디스클로저 #disclosurekorea #디스클로저앱

US sets stage for first Treasury sales reduction in five years

The U.S. said it could reduce the fall in government debt sales this fall as the need for economic aid financing eased, in a move that would pave the way for the first cuts in five years.

The Treasury Department said that although the issue for the coming quarter will remain unchanged at $ 126 billion, it is expected to “propose a first set of auction size reductions once the November announcement is repaid”.

The threatening cuts come as investors debate when the Federal Reserve will begin cutting back on its mortgage purchases, with the U.S. economy rapidly recovering from the depths of the coronavirus crisis. A slower pace of so-called quantitative easing will typically be negative for U.S. government bonds, but a lower supply could boost prices.

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US sets stage for first Treasury sales reduction in five years



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