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[외신이 본 세계증시] “높은 인플레이션과 저금리는 주식에 치명적인 조합”

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 5.

#인플레이션 #저금리 #주식 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저 #KRX디스클로저 #disclosurekorea #디스클로저앱

Watch out: High inflation plus very low interest rates are a deadly combination for stocks

In most periods, investors prize moderation, and abhor extremes, for two prime drivers of stock prices: inflation and "real" interest rates. When either or both of those metrics diverge from their sweet spots and get excessively high or low, valuations typically settle at depressed levels. Today, consumer and industrial prices are rising at their fastest pace in over a decade, and rates—adjusted for inflation—have seldom hovered this deep in negative territory. Yet by one key measure, stocks are more expensive than at any time since the tech craze of 2000. The bulls are partying on the beach while a swirling storm brews offshore.

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Watch out: High inflation plus very low interest rates are a deadly combination for stocks

"The gap between where valuations stand in most extreme periods, and today's much higher valuations, will have to close," says Rob Arnott, founder of Research Affiliates.


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디스클로저(disclosure)는 세계뉴스 빅데이터분석시스템으로 이미 생산된 뉴스를 '있는 그대로'를 소개합니다. 즉, 언론사의 뉴스는 언론사가 독립적으로 작성 또는 제작한 정보이기 때문에 디스클로저에서 그 정보의 정확성, 신뢰성 또는 적법성은 원칙적으로 해당 정보를 작성하였거나 혹은 제작한 당사자가 담보하고 이에 따른 책임을 부담합니다.

