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[가상화폐] 암호화폐 투자자들, 중앙은행 디지털 통화 발행 잰걸음에 ‘우려’

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 2.

#암호화폐 #투자자들 #중앙은행 #디지털통화발행 #우려 #세계경제 #가상화폐 #암호화폐 #비트코인 #인포코인

hould Cryptocurrency Investors Be Concerned About the Rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies?

Yet another financial revolution is coming, but this time, it will likely disappoint cryptocurrency's biggest enthusiasts.


Many things have morphed beyond the realm of what we originally designed them to do, such as the internet. When Satoshi Nakamoto first invented Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) in 2008, they envisioned it as a peer-to-peer electronic cash payment system free from the grasp of central banks and governments. Today, those two entities are encroaching on that idealistic dream with a strategy of "if you can't beat them, join them!"

The threat of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) replacing decentralized cryptocurrencies is a real one, and investors are already seeing the signs. For example, the U.S. Federal Reserve is moving forward in developing its own cryptocurrency with a research paper coming out this summer. What's more, China's central bank is already on the verge of launching the digital renminbi (eYuan). So just what does this mean for the future of decentralized crypto?

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Should Cryptocurrency Investors Be Concerned About the Rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies? | The Motley Fool

Yet another financial revolution is coming, but this time, it will likely disappoint cryptocurrency's biggest enthusiasts.


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