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(외신 이슈)테슬라 배터리, 호주 유틸리티 스토리지 프로젝트에서 화재 발생 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 2.

#테슬라 #배터리 #호주 #화재발생 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Tesla Battery Catches Fire at Utility Storage Project in Australia

The battery was part of a large storage installation being built by France’s Neoen SA in Australia’s Victoria state

A Tesla Megapack battery, which can be linked with others to form large storage facilities capable of saving wind and solar energy for later use.


SYDNEY—A Tesla Inc. battery pack caught fire at one of Australia’s largest utility-scale electricity storage projects on Friday, and fire crews worked to prevent it from spreading across the site in Victoria state.

Flames engulfed a lithium-ion battery weighing 13 metric tons that was housed within a shipping container at the site in Moorabool, near Melbourne, according to a statement from Fire Rescue Victoria. It didn’t identify the cause of the blaze.

Fire crews wearing breathing equipment are “working to contain the fire and stop it spreading to nearby batteries,” while monitoring of air quality was ongoing to check against toxic smoke, Fire Rescue Victoria said.

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Tesla Battery Catches Fire at Utility Storage Project in Australia

The fire broke out where France’s Neoen SA is installing 210 Tesla Megapacks as part of a 300-megawatt battery storage project.


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