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(외신 이슈) 아마존, 매출 성장 둔화 이상의 문제에 직면...더 많은 창고 필요 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 2.

#아마존 #매출 #성장둔화 #문제직면 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Amazon faces more than slowing sales growth: it needs more warehouses

Packages emblazoned with Amazon logos travel along a conveyor belt inside of an Amazon fulfillment center in Robbinsville, New Jersey, U.S., November 27, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo

July 30 (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) needs to spend billions of dollars to expand its warehouse and delivery system, adding pressure to its shares which dropped 7% on Friday after it forecast lower sales growth.

The company is racing to meet demand even though shoppers are venturing more outside the home and it is returning to a pre-lockdown sales trajectory.

Last year, Amazon turned goods away from warehouses for weeks because it lacked the people and space to fulfill them safely. It still is playing catch-up, said Andrea Leigh, vice president at e-commerce optimization firm Ideoclick, who formerly worked at Amazon.

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Amazon faces more than slowing sales growth: it needs more warehouses

Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) needs to spend billions of dollars to expand its warehouse and delivery system, adding pressure to its shares which dropped 7% on Friday after it forecast lower sales growth.


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