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(외신 속보) 폭스바겐, 디젤 게이트 주역 마틴 빈터콘 전 회장과 배상 합의 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 6. 7.

#폭스바겐 #마틴빈터콘 #배상합의 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Volkswagen nears dieselgate claims settlement with former CEO Winterkorn

Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) on Sunday said it had reached the broad outlines of a settlement with former boss Martin Winterkorn over his role in the dieselgate scandal, with the final details to be thrashed out over coming days.

Via the settlement, Volkswagen is trying to turn the page on its biggest ever corporate crisis in which it admitted using illegal software to rig diesel engine tests in the United States. No details were given on the size of the deal.

Former Volkswagen chief executive Martin Winterkorn leaves after testifying to a German parliamentary committee on the carmaker's emissions scandal in Berlin, Germany, January 19, 2017. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke/File

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Volkswagen nears dieselgate claims settlement with former CEO Winterkorn

Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) on Sunday said it had reached the broad outlines of a settlement with former boss Martin Winterkorn over his role in the dieselgate scandal, with the final details to be thrashed out over coming days.


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