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[가상화폐] 도지코인, 농담으로 시작했지만 달나라까지 갈 수 있는 이유 3가지

by 이브게니 2021. 6. 7.

#도지코인 #농담 #달나라 #세계경제 #가상화폐 #암호화폐 #비트코인 #인포코인

3 Reasons Dogecoin Could Head to the Moon -- Someday


There are not entirely outlandish arguments to be made in support of the idea that this cryptocurrency could have enduring value.

Derided by many pundits as a joke digital coin with no real path to gaining stable value, yet defended stoutly by its legion of retail investor fans, Dogecoin (CRYPTO:DOGE) has followed a roller-coaster pattern of massive price surges and dizzying plunges over the past few months. The coin with its Shiba Inu mascot image, however, has slowly gained some traction as a medium of exchange. Recently, Jenny Ta, founder of crypto-commerce site CoinLinked, asserted that its market cap could reach $1 trillion, indicating Dogecoin might eventually trade for $7 to $8.

There are indeed some positive signs for the formerly long-dormant dog-themed cryptocurrency, but the level of risk for its buyers remains high.

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3 Reasons Dogecoin Could Head to the Moon -- Someday | The Motley Fool

There are not entirely outlandish arguments to be made in support of the idea that this cryptocurrency could have enduring value.


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