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Hyundai Thinks A Subscription Will Convince Buyers To Purchase The Ioniq 5
Image: Hyundai
You’ve never owned an EV before, but you keep seeing everyone talk about them. You are in need of a new car, but you’re unsure about how an EV will affect your life with things like charging and range. You go to Hyundai to see the Ioniq 5 and they tell you you can try it out for three months before committing to buy. That’s the plan Hyundai thinks will get new buyers into its EVs, as it told Automotive News.
Make no mistake, this plan isn’t just about getting people that are on the fence about buying an EV into an EV. This is also a show of how confident Hyundai is in its product, confident enough that it’s willing to let people try out the Ioniq 5 for a few months.
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Hyundai Thinks A Subscription Will Convince Buyers To Purchase The Ioniq 5
You’ve never owned an EV before, but you keep seeing everyone talk about them. You are in need of a new car, but you’re unsure about how an EV will affect your life with things like charging and range. You go to Hyundai to see the Ioniq 5 and they tell you you can try it out for three months before ...
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