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[디스클로저][속보] 금감원, ‘독일 헤리티지 펀드’ 투자금 회수 확정...신한증권‧NH투자증권‧하나은행‧우리은행‧현대차증권‧SK증권 등 6개사, 고객에게 4300억원 반환 - 한국외신뉴스(K-N..

by 이브게니 2022. 11. 23.

Korean consumers were misled by some of the nation’s biggest financial firms and should get back the money they lost when a German property fund collapsed, South Korea’s financial watchdog recommended Tuesday.
The six firms -- Shinhan Securities Co., NH Investment & Securities Co., Hana Bank, Woori Bank, Hyundai Motor Securities Co. and SK Securities Co. -- should repay the 430 billion won ($317 million) clients lost, a panel at Financial Supervisory Service said. While the panel’s decision is just a recommendation, brokerages have accepted proposals from the panel in the past, according to the watchdog. 


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