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[가상화폐] 미 SEC 게리 겐슬러 위원장, 디지털 자산 주식‧채권‧파생상품과 동일한 규제 시사

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 6.

#미국 #SEC #게리겐슬러 #디지털자산 #주식 #동일규제 #세계경제 #가상화폐 #암호화폐 #비트코인 #인포코인

SEC Chief Gary Gensler Braces for Clash With Crypto Traders

Gensler wants to regulate digital assets to the same extent as stocks, bonds and commodity-related trading instruments

The Federal Reserve is trying to figure out how to keep cash relevant in a cashless world. It’s considering digitizing the U.S. dollar, giving people money they can access on their phone and bypassing electronic payments that can be slow and costly for businesses. Illustration: Jacob Reynolds/WSJ

Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler this week declared war on what he called the Wild West of crypto trading, promising a vigorous attack on fraud and misconduct. But progress is likely to be more piecemeal and incremental than wholesale and sudden.

Mr. Gensler outlined his desire to regulate digital assets such as bitcoin and other crypto products to the same extent as stocks, bonds and commodity-related trading instruments. He told the Aspen Security Forum on Tuesday that his priorities include newer innovations such as stablecoins and decentralized finance, products that are beginning to draw more mainstream investors.

The impulse to regulate these markets is growing more evident around the globe. Japan’s top financial regulator said Wednesday that plans to combat money laundering would also include digital currencies.

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SEC Chief Gary Gensler Braces for Clash With Crypto Traders

Gary Gensler wants to regulate digital assets to the same extent as stocks, bonds and commodity-related trading instruments.


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