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[외신이 본 세계증시] 로빈후드 IPO에서 개미투자자들 충성도 보일까?...소셜미디어 플랫폼에서 개미투자자들 IPO회피 움직임

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 29.

#로빈후드 #IPO #개미투자자들 #충성도 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저

Robinhood’s IPO to Test Loyalty of Retail Trading Legion It Helped Create

The brokerage app Robinhood has transformed retail trading. WSJ explains its rise amid a series of legal investigations and regulatory challenges as it looks forward to its IPO. (Published July 15) Photo illustration: Jacob Reynolds/WSJ

Robinhood Markets Inc. has spent the better part of a decade trying to entice nonprofessional investors to fall in love with markets.

This week, the company will face its first public test of whether those same traders love Robinhood back. In one of the most highly anticipated deals of the year, the wildly popular trading platform’s initial public offering is expected to price Wednesday night and begin trading Thursday. So far, though, it looks like many of those traders are just not that into Robinhood.

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Robinhood’s IPO to Test Loyalty of Retail Trading Legion It Helped Create

The popular trading platform’s efforts to draw nonprofessional investors into the market face a big test when its IPO begins trading likely Thursday.


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