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[외신이 본 세계증시] 인플레 대비한 고배당주 5종목은?

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 26.

#인플레이션 #대비 #고배당주 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저

5 High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Right Now That'll Help You Crush Inflation

These rock-solid income stocks pay yields ranging from 4.1% to as high as 10.2%.

No matter how well the stock market is performing, there are always a handful of catalysts waiting in the wings to cause a crash. At the moment, none seems to be stirring more of a buzz than inflation.

Earlier this month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 12-month inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was 5.4% in June 2021. When taken as a whole, it's the largest one-year jump since August 2008. Even scarier is that the core Consumer Price Index (the CPI-U minus food and energy) rose 4.5%, representing the highest 12-month increase since November 1991.

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5 High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Right Now That'll Help You Crush Inflation | The Motley Fool

These rock-solid income stocks pay yields ranging from 4.1% to as high as 10.2%.


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