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[외신이 본 세계증시] 월스트리트, 부자들에게 ‘싼 이자’ 대출 2배로 증가...2분기 6000억 달러로 전년 동기 대비 17.5% 증가

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 26.

#월스트리트부자 #싼이자 #대출 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저

Wall Street doubles down on lending ‘cheap money’ to the rich

The lending companies of large American banks are doubling the richer customers, and wealthy Americans are borrowing to buy second homes, invest in the stock market and possibly ease their tax bills.

The combined value of loans made by the wealth management arms of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley exceeded $ 600 billion in the second quarter, up 17.5 percent from a year earlier. This represents 22.5 percent of the banks’ total loan books, compared to 16.3 percent in mid-2017.

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Wall Street doubles down on lending ‘cheap money’ to the rich



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