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(최초 공개) 삼성전자‧TSMC‧인텔, 미 혁신과 경쟁법 통과 될 경우 최대 수혜 기업으로 꼽혀...피치 “미 주도로 글로벌 반도체 공급망 변화” - 외신보도 한국상장회사 #삼성전자 #TSMC #인텔 #미국 #혁신경쟁법 #수혜기업 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저 ​ TSMC to benefit from change in chip industry ​ A logo of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co at its headquarters in Hsinchu is pictured on Aug. 31, 2018. Photo: Tyrone Siu, Reuters ​ The global semiconductor supply chain is to see a transformation, spearheaded by the US government’s move to tackle chip shortages and safeguard its eco.. 2021. 7. 10.
(최초 공개) 월스트리트저널, “한국, 빅테크 스타트업의 온상”...쿠팡 등 10억 달러의 유니콘 기업 10개 주목 - 외신보도 한국상장회사 #월스트리트저널 #한국 #빅테크 #스타트업 #온상 #유니콘기업 #주목 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저 ​ Big Tech Startups Spring Up in South Korea ​ They are thriving even as big technology companies face intensifying scrutiny elsewhere ​ South Korean e-commerce company Coupang went public in New York earlier this year. PHOTO: SEONGJOON CHO/BLOOMBERG NEWS ​ South Korea is becoming a hotbed of big technology startups. ​ New business.. 2021. 7. 8.