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[디스클로저][속보] 삼성, 英 기술회사 나노코와 특허 분쟁 합의 - 한국외신뉴스(K-NEWS) The companies asked the court to halt the lawsuit over Samsung's alleged infringement of Nanoco patents covering "quantum dot" technology for LED displays. Nanoco said in a statement Friday that the companies had reached a "no-fault" settlement. It did not disclose any financial terms. Representatives of the companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 아래 주소로 접속하십시오. 더 많은 내용과 번.. 2023. 1. 7.
(최초 공개) 한화큐셀, 中 태양광 업체 롱지솔라와의 특허 분쟁에서 승리해 로테르담에서 태양광 모듈 판매 금지명령 받아내 - 외신보도 한국상장회사 #한화큐셀 #중국 #롱지솔라 #특허분쟁 #승리 #태양광모듈 #판매금지명령 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저 ​ Longi will Gerichtsentscheidung in Niederlanden zur Beschlagnahme von Solarmodulen in Rotterdam rückgängig machen ​ Eine Lieferung von Modulen des chinesischen Photovoltaik-Herstellers sind Berichten zufolge vergangenen Monat in den Niederlanden auf Anweisung des koreanischen Konkurrenten Hanwha Q-Cells beschlagnahmt worden. Di.. 2021. 7. 8.
(외신 속보) 삼성, 에이콘 테크놀로지와의 칩 제조 공정 특허 분쟁에서 패소...2500만 달러 손해배상금 지불해야 - 외신보도 한국상장회사 #삼성 #에이콘테크놀로지 #칩제조공정 #특허분쟁 #패소 #손해배상금 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저 Samsung Loses Texas Trial Over Patents for Chip-Making Process Samsung infringes patents owned by a California R&D firm for ways to improve performance in chips and should pay $25 million in damages, a federal jury in Marshall, Texas, said. Acorn Technologies claimed Samsung infringed four patents for ways to reduce contact resistan.. 2021. 5. 21.