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[CEO] 우버 CEO 다라 코스로샤히, “우버 이츠 운전자들이 최저임금 벌기 어렵다” 실수로 고백 #우버 #CEO #다라코스로샤히 #최저임금 #실수고백 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 UBER CEO WORKS ON APP FOR A DAY AND REVEALS HOW MUCH EATS DRIVERS CAN MAKE ​ ​ Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, whose annual salary is more than $12 million, revealed on Twitter how much Uber Eats drivers can make, after tweeting about his experience and profits working on the app for a day in San Francisco. “Spent a few hours delivering for @UberEats,”.. 2021. 6. 29.
[글로벌 CEO] 손정의 21세기 로스차일드, 사우스웨스트항공 게리 켈리 사임, 워런 버핏 빌&멜린다 게이츠 재단 이사직 사임, 존맥아피, 스페인감옥 극단적 선택 - 6월24일 #손정의회장 #21세기로스차일드 #사우스웨스트항공 #게리켈리 #CEO #사임 #워런버핏 #이혼두달 #재단이사직 #백신프로그램 #존맥아피 #스페인 #감옥 #극단적선택 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 ​ SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son speaks during a press conference on November 6, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. Tomohiro Ohsumi | Getty Images ​ 소프트뱅크 손정의 회장, 21세기 로스차일드 꿈꾼다 https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/softbank-ceo-masayoshi-son-says-he-wants-to-be-21s.. 2021. 6. 24.
[CEO] 직원이 뽑은 미국 최고의 CEO는 제프 베조스도, 일론 머스크도 아닌 보스턴 컨설팅의 리치 세서 #직원들 #미국 #최고 #CEO #보스턴컨설팅 #리치세서 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 「従業員が選ぶアメリカ最高のCEO」ランキング。マスクもベゾスも圏外 ニューヨーク証券取引所(NYSE)前に設置された「恐れを知らぬ少女像」。コロナショックに果敢に立ち向かい、従業員から高い評価を勝ち取った経営者のランキングが発表された。 Photo by Justin Heiman/Getty Images ​ 求人情報口コミサイトのグラスドアは6月16日、2021年版(2020年5月2日〜2021年5月1日が対象)の「従業員が選ぶ全米最高のCEO(最高経営責任者)」ランキングを発表した。 新型コロナのパンデミックが続くなか、経済不況や市場の急激な変化に対応できた企業、あるいはそうした危機対応に貢献した企業の経営者が、高く評価される結果となった。 アメリカ最高のCEOは誰かと日本人に問.. 2021. 6. 21.
[CEO] 아마존 제프 베조스, 블루 오리진 타고 우주 여행 후 지구 미귀환 희망 청원 4만1000명 돌파 #아마존 #제프베조스 #블루오리진 #지구미귀환 #청원 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 More than 41,000 people have signed petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after his trip to space next month Petitions to stop Jeff Bezos' Earth re-entry collected more than 41,000 signatures between them. The one with the most signatures is entitled: "Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth." Bezos will fly into space on July 20 .. 2021. 6. 21.
[CEO] 테슬라 일론 머스크 CEO, 마지막 남은 집 시장에 매물로 #테슬라 #일론머스크 #CEO #집 #매물 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 Elon Musk says he's putting last remaining house on the market Tesla Inc.’s Elon Musk tweeted that he’s decided to sell his last remaining house a week after a report said he and others billionaires paid little or no income taxes for several years. The electric-car maker’s chief executive officer tweeted earlier this month that he only has one house in t.. 2021. 6. 15.
[CEO] 아마존 창립자 제프 베조스, 7월 20일 발사 블루 오리진의 뉴 셰퍼드 우주선 타고 우주 비행 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈 #아마존 #제프베조스 #블루오리진 #뉴셰퍼드 #우주비행 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos to Be on Blue Origin’s First Human Space Flight Jeff Bezos plans to travel to space next month as part of the first crew carried by Blue Origin, the Amazon.com Inc. founder’s space company. Mr. Bezos said in an Instagram post Monday that he will be one of the inaugural passengers on Blue Origin’s New Shepard spacecraft, d.. 2021. 6. 8.
[CEO] 폭스바겐 마틴 빈터콘 전 회장, 디젤 배기가스 스캔들로 1200만 달러 배상 합의 - 글로벌기업 리스크 & 이슈 #폭스바겐 #마틴빈터콘 #디젤배기가스 #스캔들 #배상 #세계는지금 #가십 #디스클로저 Ex-VW boss to pay 10 mln euros in dieselgate damages - Business Insider Former Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) chief Martin Winterkorn has agreed to pay around 10 million euros ($12 million) in damages to the carmaker over the diesel emissions scandal, Business Insider reported on Monday. Volkswagen had said in March it would claim damages from Winterkorn o.. 2021. 6. 1.