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(외신 속보) 존슨앤드존슨, 최고 법원 상소 기각으로 타르크 파우더 배상금 21억 달러 확정 - 글로벌기업 리스크 & 이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 6. 2.

#존슨앤드존슨 #최고법원 #상소 #기각 #타르크파우더 #배상금 #21억달러 #확정 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

J&J to pay $2.1 bn talc award as top court nixes appeal

The top U.S. court without comment on Tuesday refused to consider J&J’s objections to a St. Louis jury’s 2018 finding its talc-based powder helped cause ovarian cancer in 20 women.

A bottle of Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder. (Reuters photo)

Johnson & Johnson must pay a $2.1 billion award to women who claimed its baby powder was contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos, after the U.S. Supreme Court left intact the largest verdict in the almost decade-long litigation over the iconic product.

The top U.S. court without comment on Tuesday refused to consider J&J’s objections to a St. Louis jury’s 2018 finding its talc-based powder helped cause ovarian cancer in 20 women.

J&J prepared for the appeal’s denial by announcing in February it was setting aside almost $4 billion to cover the St. Louis verdict. The company still faces more than 26,000 lawsuits blaming baby powder for causing cancers. J&J pulled the product off U.S. and Canadian shelves last year.

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J&J to pay $2.1 bn talc award as top court nixes appeal

The top U.S. court without comment on Tuesday refused to consider J&J’s objections to a St. Louis jury’s 2018 finding its talc-based powder helped cause ovarian cancer in 20 women.


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