#갤럭시S21울트라 #아이폰 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저
Samsung wants you to know the Galaxy S21 Ultra takes better pictures of grilled cheese sandwiches than the iPhone
Apple has been having a bit of a rough time over the past couple weeks. First it was dealing with the legal challenge brought by Epic Games, and now the company is getting attacked by Samsung, too. In a new series of videos, Samsung compares its own Galaxy 21 Ultra to Apple's latest device in order to see which phone takes better pictures of —checks notes— grilled cheese sandwiches?
더 자세한 내용은
Samsung wants you to know the Galaxy S21 Ultra takes better pictures of grilled cheese sandwiches than the iPhone
Apple has been having a bit of a rough time over the past couple weeks. First it was dealing with the legal challenge brought by Epic Games, and now the
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