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[디스클로저][속보] EU, 삼성과 애플에 사용자가 교체할 수 있는 배터리 채택 요구 - 한국외신뉴스(K-NEWS)

by 이브게니 2022. 12. 22.

The European Union (EU) has proposed a provisional agreement that would require portable devices have user-replaceable batteries, as well as other requirements. The agreement covers batteries of nearly every size, from portable batteries to Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries.
The EU has been busy as of late, with agreements that will require smartphone makers to open their devices to third-party app stores and make USB-C mandatory for portable electronics beginning at the end of 2024. Up until now, the two prior agreements would cause Apple the most concern. However, the latest proposed agreement would bring about changes to all smartphone makers across the board, as well as any device that requires a portable battery.

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