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[외신이 본 국제정세] 중국 해커, 2019년과 2020년 이란으로 위장해 이스라엘 공격

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 12.

#중국해커 #이란 #위장 #이스라엘 #공격 #세계경제 #국제정세 #디스클로저 #디스클로저앱

Chinese hackers disguised themselves as Iran to target Israel


When hackers broke into computers across Israel’s government and tech companies in 2019 and 2020, investigators looked for clues to find out who was responsible. The first evidence pointed directly at Iran, Israel’s most contentious geopolitical rival. The hackers deployed tools normally associated with Iranians, for example, and wrote in the Farsi language.

But after further examination of the evidence—and information gathered from other cyber-espionage cases across the Middle East—analysts realized it was not an Iranian operation. Instead, it was conducted by Chinese operatives posing as a team of hackers from Tehran.

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Chinese hackers disguised themselves as Iran to target Israel

But they left a few clues that gave them away.


Chinese hackers disguised themselves as Iran to target Israel

But they left a few clues that gave them away.


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