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[외신이 본 산업동향] 중국, 인공지능 연구에서 미국 제치고 AI패권 차지

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 11.

#중국 #인공지능 #패권차지 #세계경제 #국제정세 #디스클로저 #디스클로저앱 #KRX디스클로저 #disclosurekorea

China overtakes US in AI research

Jockeying for supremacy intensifies as two sides grapple with security issues

In 2020, China topped the U.S. in AI for the first time in terms of citations in academic papers. (Nikkei montage)

TOKYO -- China is overtaking the U.S. in artificial intelligence research, setting off alarm bells on the other side of the Pacific as the world's two largest economies jockey for AI supremacy.

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China overtakes US in AI research

Jockeying for supremacy intensifies as two sides grapple with security issues


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