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(외신 이슈) 샤오미, ‘미 스토어 포르투갈’에 비트코인과 알트코인 결제 허용 부인 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 7.

#비트코인 #알트코인 #결제허용 #부인 #샤오미 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저 #디스클로저앱

Xiaomi Refutes Reports of Crypto Payments Integration

Xiaomi Ahead of the Curve

On August 5, 2021, reports emerged that Xiaomi, the world’s second-largest smartphone manufacturer, with a 17 percent share of global smartphone shipments, is now accepting bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins via its Portugues retail Partner Mi Store Portugal, making it the latest global brand to join the cryptocurrency bandwagon.

At the time, the firm made it clear that the crypto integration move is a result of a partnership with Utrust (UTK), a blockchain project that focuses on making it easier for businesses to accept crypto payments, adding that it firmly believes that integrating bitcoin and altcoins into its operations is in line with its innovation mantra.

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Xiaomi Refutes Reports of Crypto Payments Integration | BTCMANAGER

Xiaomi has denied its involvement in the bitcoin (BTC) adoption push of its Portuguese retail partner Mi Store Portugal, barely 24 hours after the latter announced that its customers can now purchase Xiaomi devices with bitcoin and five other cryptocurrenc


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