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[가상화폐] 가장 흔한 암호화폐 5가지 사기와 이를 피하는 방법

by 이브게니 2021. 8. 3.

#암호화폐 #사기방지방법 #세계경제 #가상화폐 #암호화폐 #비트코인 #인포코인

5 most common cryptocurrency scams and how to avoid them Alejandro Arrieche 15 hours ago

Crypto fraud is not a 2020/2021 thing. Even though the market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies has exploded recently, scams have been occurring since the dawn of bitcoin (BTC), as scam artists have seen an opportunity in this up-and-coming asset class to fool investors who keep seeking the next big thing in the growing crypto ecosystem.

Perhaps one of the biggest cryptocurrency scams that has occurred recently was the disappearance of the founders of Africa’s largest cryptocurrency exchange – AfriCrypt – with a total of $3.6 billion allegedly missing as a result of a large-scale hack the exchange is said to have suffered.

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