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[가상화폐] 아마존, 올해 비트코인 결제 허용 가닥

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 26.

#아마존 #올해 #비트코인 #결제허용 #가닥 #세계경제 #가상화폐 #암호화폐 #비트코인 #인포코인

Amazon plans to accept Bitcoin payments this year, claims insider

“It begins with Bitcoin,” an anonymous insider said in describing Amazon’s intent to enter the cryptocurrency payments arena.

An anonymous source within Amazon has reportedly told London business newspaper City A.M. that the e-commerce giant is planning to accept Bitcoin (BTC) payments by the end of 2021, possibly setting the stage for broader mainstream acceptance of crypto transactions.

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Amazon plans to accept Bitcoin payments this year, claims insider

Amazon is looking to fill the role of digital currency and blockchain product lead, fueling speculation about its intent to enter the crypto payments arena.


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