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[외신이 본 세계증시] 수소 트럭회사 하이존, 나스닥 거래 시작...시장 가치 2억 달러로 평가

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 22.

#수소트럭회사 #하이존 #나스닥 #거래시작 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저

Hyrodgen truck company Hyzon begins trading on Nasdaq with big valuation

New York-based hydrogen truck company Hyzon Motors has begun trading on the Nasdaq Global Select market under the ticker symbol “HYNZ” in a move the company hopes will accelerate its hydrogen-fuelled growth.

Coming in the wake of a flurry of announcements – including several purchase agreements for the company’s “heaver than the Space Shuttle” hydrogen trucks – its Class A Common Stock commenced trading on the Nasdaq Global Select market on Monday with a market value of $US2.7 billion

The move to go public was fostered by a merger with special purpose acquisition company Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corporation – an increasingly common method for zero-emission mobility companies to go public, bypassing a traditional Initial Public Offering (IPO).

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Hyrodgen truck company Hyzon begins trading on Nasdaq with big valuation

Hydrogen truck maker Hyzon says float marks the starting line for its technology.


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워런 버핏은 "기업이 명성을 쌓는 데는 수십 년의 세월이 걸리지만 그것을 무너뜨리는 데는 채 5분도 걸리지 않는다"고 했습니다. 또 에델만 그룹 조사에 따르면 기업에 대한 나쁜 뉴스는 2시간 3



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