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(최초 공개) 삼성전자, 인도 휴대폰 생산연계 인센티브(PLI) 계획의 생산목표 유일하게 달성...FY20-21 6% 인센티브 적용 - 외신보도 한국상장회사

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 15.

#삼성전자 #인도 #휴대폰 #생산연계인센티브(PLI) #생산목표 #유일달성 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Samsung chooses FY21 as first year to avail 6% PLI incentives

As per the scheme guidelines, Samsung, having met the Rs4,000 crore production target for the first year, must produce mobile phones worth Rs 8000 crore in the second year over and above their base year (FY19-20) revenues in the above $200 price category, to avail of the second-year incentives of 6% cashbacks.

New Delhi: Samsung Electronics, the only company to achieve production target for the handset production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme, has chosen FY20-21 as its first year to avail the 6% incentive, a person familiar with the matter said.

Samsung will take its incentives for the first year – FY20-21. It did all the hard work and met its targets,” the person said.

The choice means that while the rest 15 manufacturers including iPhone makers Foxconn, Wistron etc. will produce incremental goods worth Rs 4000 crore in the current fiscal which started on April 1, Samsung will need to manufacture double of that in a year marred by the Covid second wave and an anticipated third wave, to avail of the second year’s incentives, say industry experts.

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Samsung chooses FY21 as first year to avail 6% PLI incentives - ET Telecom

As per the scheme guidelines, Samsung, having met the Rs4,000 crore production target for the first year, must produce mobile phones worth Rs 8000 cro..


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