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(최초 공개) 반도체 전문가 “삼성 170억 달러 700만 평방피트의 차세대 칩 제조공장 센트럴 텍사스가 유력” - 외신보도 한국상장회사

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 10.

#반도체전문가 #삼성전자 #제조공장 #텍사스 #유력 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Experts say Central Texas still a strong option for potential $17 B Samsung factory

Kara Carlson, Austin American-Statesman - Austin American-Statesman

Samsung is still deciding where to build a new multi-billion-dollar chip-making facility, but Central Texas remains a strong contender, industry experts say.

South Korea-based Samsung says it intends to build a 7 million square foot next-generation chip fabrication plant — valued at more than $17 billion — somewhere in the United States.

The new fabrication facility is expected to be the most advanced to date for Samsung, which is one of the world's largest makers of memory chip and smartphones. The new fab would expand Samsung's ability to compete with other chipmakers, including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., which makes chips for Apple's iPhones.

Austin already is home to Samsung’s largest operation outside of its South Korea headquarters, and is its only U.S. manufacturing facility.

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Experts say Central Texas still a strong option for potential $17 B Samsung factory

Samsung has yet to name a location for its newest advanced U.S-based chip-making facility but industry experts arent counting Central Texas out.


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워런 버핏은 "기업이 명성을 쌓는 데는 수십 년의 세월이 걸리지만 그것을 무너뜨리는 데는 채 5분도 걸리지 않는다"고 했습니다. 또 에델만 그룹 조사에 따르면 기업에 대한 나쁜 뉴스는 2시간 3



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