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(외신 이슈) 화웨이, 차세대 폴더블폰 ‘메이트X’ 특허...카메라 돌출부 감추고 장치 두께 줄인 새 디자인 선봬 - 글로벌기업 리스크&이슈

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 6.

#화웨이 #폴더블폰 #메이트X #특허 #글로벌기업 #리스크 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Huawei patents new foldable phone hinting next Gen Huawei Mate X

Huawei patents new foldable phone hinting next Gen Huawei Mate X

Image Credits: Universmartphone

Foldable smartphones are now a fact, with manufacturers such as Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi unveiling its pliable handset version. Now the brands are focused on enhancing display technology and testing new folding shape aspects. Huawei looks to be ready now for its second smartphone.

It seems the Mate X was the first product of the firm in this sector, and the new patent would probably follow. So the distinctive thing that Huawei has to offer is the revolutionary folding smartphone: Let’s find out: let’s find out:

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Huawei patents new foldable phone hinting next Gen Huawei Mate X - TechStory

Huawei has patented a new foldable smartphone which hints to “Next Gen Huawei Mate X”


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