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글로벌 기업

[외신이 본 세계증시] 中 주식, 상반기 8년 만에 최악의 실적...하반기 개선 기대

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 6.

#중국주식 #상반기 #최악실적 #세계경제 #세계증시 #NYSE #디스클로저

Investors in Chinese Stocks Hope for Better Second Half After Weak Showing

Meituan delivery drivers resting on their scooters while waiting for orders outside a restaurant in Beijing.


After a lackluster first half for Chinese stocks, investors and analysts are optimistic the next six months will bring better returns.

Chinese shares—listed either at home or abroad—were some of the world’s top performers in 2020. China moved quickly to get the coronavirus pandemic under control and became the only major economy to eke out a full-year expansion.

But stocks have lost ground after peaking in February. Since then, China’s credit growth has slowed, debt problems have rattled the country’s developers and financial firms and authorities have gotten tougher on sectors like education and technology. A rise in global bond yields has also dented investor appetite for riskier stocks.

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Investors in Chinese Stocks Hope for Better Second Half After Weak Showing

After a lackluster first half for Chinese stocks, investors and analysts are optimistic the next six months will bring better returns.


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