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(최초 공개) 삼성, 냉장고 제빙기 결함 수정 위해 ‘재설계’...무료 수리 또는 1200달러 현금 지급 - 외신보도 한국상장회사

by 이브게니 2021. 7. 6.

#삼성전자 #냉장고 #제빙기 #결함수정 #재설계 #한국상장회사 #단독이슈 #ESG #디스클로저

Ice Maker Problems with Samsung Refrigerator? Don’t Do This!

Consumer Reports listed this refrigerator as one of the best. It was an awesome refrigerator, until it wasn't.

The problem is the ice maker. We purchased ours in 2017, and after a few months, it started jamming with ice buildup. We kept thawing it out, and living with the problem when it returned. Finally, we gave up and started using another method to make ice cubes.

Samsung Refrigerator, ice maker. Photo by Bill Keeler / TSM)

I went to YouTube to see if there was a fix, and I found out quickly that this must be a design flaw in the unit because there were several complaints about my very problem. There were also plenty of fixes on YouTube, almost all of which said the same thing: take out the ice basket and use a hair dryer to melt away the ice buildup. The problem is, there are 2 big mistakes with this repair.

Ice Maker Kit. Samsung Refrigerator, ice maker. Photo by Bill Keeler / TSM

Mother board. Samsung Refrigerator, ice maker. Photo by Bill Keeler / TSM

Samsung Refrigerator, ice maker. Photo by Bill Keeler / TSM)

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Ice Maker Problems with Samsung Refrigerator? Don't Do This!

Consumer Reports listed this refrigerator as one of the best. It was an awesome refrigerator, until it wasn't. The problem is the ice maker. We purchased ours in 2017, and after a few months, it started jamming with ice buildup.


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