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[외신이 본 산업동향] 국제 금값, 15개월 만에 가장 큰 주간 손실 기록

by 이브게니 2021. 6. 21.

#국제금값 #손실 #세계경제 #국제정세 #디스클로저

Gold price on track for biggest weekly loss in 15 months

Gold prices are heading for the biggest weekly drop in over a year after a regional Federal Reserve president said high inflation may call for the US central bank to tighten its monetary policy as soon as 2022.

It may be appropriate for the Fed to begin raising interest rates next year given a forecast for inflation above the US central bank’s 2% target, St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said Friday during a TV interview on CNBC.

“I put us starting in late 2022,” Bullard added, referring to interest-rate projections published Wednesday by the US central bank after a two-day policy meeting. Higher rates dampen demand for non-interest-bearing gold as an alternative asset.

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Gold price on track for biggest weekly loss in 15 months

Bullion is heading for its biggest weekly drop in over a year, weighed down by concerns over tighter monetary policy as soon as 2022.




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